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Affichage de 1 - 20 sur 6 résultat(s)
Acronyme Intitulé complet du projet Intitulé du programme
RICOCHET Évaluation multirisques de territoires côtiers en contexte de changement global ANR/PRC
AQUAMONEY Development and Testing of Practical Guidelines for the Assessment of Environmental and Resource Costs and Benefits in the WFD PCRD FP6
AQUATERRA Understanding river-sediment-soil-groundwater interactions for support of management of waterbodies (river basin & catchment areas) PCRD FP6
KNAPPE Knowledge and need assessment on pharmaceutical product in environmental waters PCRD FP6
RECLAIM WATER Water reclamation technologies for safe artificial groundwater recharge PCRD FP6
RISK-BASE Coordination Action on Risk Based Management of River Basins PCRD FP6
SAFIR Safe and High Quality Food Production using Poor Quality Waters and Improved Irrigation Systems and Management PCRD FP6
SWIFT-WFD Screening method for Water data Information in support of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive PCRD FP6