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Affichage de 1 - 20 sur 43 résultat(s)
Acronyme Intitulé complet du projet Intitulé du programme
WATCH Water and global Change PCRD FP6
INSEA Data Integration System for Eutrophication Assessment in Coastal Waters PCRD FP6
KEYBIOEFFECTS Cause-effect relationships of key pollutants on the European rivers biodiversity PCRD FP6
MUGIL Main Uses of the Grey mullet as Indicator of Littoral environmental changes PCRD FP6
MEDINA Membrane-based Desalination: an Integrated Approach PCRD FP6
HYDRATE Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies for effective flash flood forecasting PCRD FP6
EURO-LIMPACS Integrated Project to Evaluate the Impacts of Global Change on European Freshwater Ecosystems PCRD FP6
MEDITATE Mediteranean development of innovative technologies for integrated water management PCRD FP6
MODELKEY Models for Assessing and Forecasting the Impact of Environmental Key Pollutants on Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems and Biodiversity PCRD FP6
NOSTRUM-DSS Network on governance, science and technology for sustainable water resource management in the Mediterranean PCRD FP6
SWIFT-WFD Screening method for Water data Information in support of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive PCRD FP6