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Affichage de 1 - 20 sur 4 résultat(s)
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PLASCOTE PLastics and ASsociated COnTaminants in thE Leyre river: fate, toxicity and awareness. LABEX COTE
Cd-FHOTOMOD Past and future cadmium contamination in fish habitats of the Gironde estuary : an otolith and modeling approach LABEX COTE
MICMAQ Impacts of environmental stressors and Microbiome Modifications in Aquatic animals. LABEX COTE
THALASSOTOK Colonisation et utilisation des habitats estuariens par les poissons migrateurs thalassotoques : approche comparative Seine-Gironde Seine-Aval
BECAME BioactivE Compounds in Aquatic invasive Macrophytes: Ecological insights and potential industrial applications. LABEX COTE